
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Parlous Political Representation

I love it the way this "laborious" mob wilt under the media pressure. Howard copped it unrelentingly every day for 11 years as PM. (Before that, virtually for the whole of his political life, the numbats reviled him- utterly unsuccessfully). He was never rude, he answered all their questions. By being decent and manly, he must have brilliantly goaded the miserable bastards. I hope they vomited into their breakfast cereal.

For all of Keatings' boverboy tactics, he respected the parliamentary process, When he introduced legislation, there was the standard Explanatory Memorandum and the the 1st and 2nd reading speeches and lively proper debate in both houses. Rudd, as President of the Australian ratbag republic, didn't bother with all these nuisance Westminster democratic niceties, bugger that - he was the boss!!! (This is the issue the public doesn't understand and his colleagues bear the scars from his demonic rudeness and gigantic ego.)

One of the few of the then Labor mob that I respected, Lindsay Tanner, who should have been Treasurer, resigned in utter disgust with Labor's descent into hades, prior to the Gillard election. What a massive victory she had - the power of 1 independent. Have a look at the independents, I wouldn't give any of them a job of trust, such as running a broomcloset

Friday, February 24, 2012



Rudd continues to promote the flawed notion that the electorate votes in the sitting Prime Minister. He mumbles on about the notion that the people voted for him. Nonsense - it's the Parliamentary Party. In the case of Labor it's the Caucas, or should that be carcase! The only electors, who vote for the PM directly, are the voters in his or her electorate, but then only as a candidate for Parliament. However, our media supports these falsehoods, by pandering to the populace - their equally ignorant audience. I think the media suffer from a collective case of PMS. If the electorate wants a direct say in who is PM, then they should call for changes to the voting system or wait for the next election. The waste of verbiage by journos. if harnessed and sent to the grid, would obviate the need for a Carbon Tax!

However, he now plans to broaden the vote beyond Caucas, Whoopee! BUT, a message to all those Labor voters out there, you still don't vote for the PM personally, you vote for the Party. Get a grip!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The colossal nonsense being uttered in and written by the media and supported by the PM and Treasurer and Finance Minister, is enough to make a Ist year Macro Economics student puke - at the appalling pursuit of ignorant populist support by our pollies. It is sufficient to make most educated citizens cringe in shame.

We have more university graduates now than at any time in our history. Hopefully during their days and nights there, they achieved some critical thinking and analytical ability. Surely they must be viewing the verbal and written garbage by both sides of politics, but particularly by a desperate populist government - with horror!

Our world class Reserve Bank is an independent Commonwealth authority, legislated by the Reserve Bank Act 1959. The Treasurer or anyone else cannot ring up the RB Governor and simplistically tell him how to conduct the corporate affairs of the bank. Despite the wolverine howling of the media and the selfish stirrings of the ignorant electorate mob.  If there is a sufficient disagreement between the RB Governor and the Treasurer, then this is undertaken in accordance with Section 11 of the RBA Act. Only under legislative due process can the RB be instructed to bend to the government's will.