
Sunday, September 23, 2018


In the 17th and 18th Centuries was the Enlightenment, then in the 19th John Stuart Mills wrote on Liberty. Society changed for the better. Overall it became the Age of Reason. Belief was superseded by science, fact and empiricism.

Then in the 20th Century much of Europe and the Pacific was almost destroyed by the rise of Tyranny under Hitler's Fascist Nazism,  Stalin's Communism and Japan's blind devotion to Bushido. Millions were slaughtered by these States. In Soviet Russia almost 30 million died by 1938 alone under Stalin's dictatorship. (Unbelievably, this included hundreds of the Army top General Staff, because of Stalin's paranoia). In the 1950's McCarthyism rained supreme over reason in the USA and many were jailed or ruined by his paranoia over alleged Communist activities by American citizens.

Now in the 21st Century, coddled societies and voters have drifted into an Age of Disenchantment. Democracy is being challenged by both major and minor parties in Britain, Australia and Europe. In Australia, both the cross bench and the major parties have more concern about self interest than the National interest. Have we descended into the mire of an Age of Selfishness? With the aid of so called Social Media and the Me, Me, Me society. Would it be better named - Anti-Social Media? Despite electronic globalisation, many societies are turning inwards. If you stick your head in the sand, you will get your rump kicked!

In the USA, Trump's Tweeting Tantrums appear to have overtaken the rule of law and common sense. We ordinary citizens have lost count of high officials who have been sacked for doing what appeared to be their rightful duties, many have left their official office because of a clash between perceived right and wrong. Some, who were offered positions in the Administration, have said "no thanks"!

Newsreaders in the TV Media these days, appear to be voicing their own opinions versus reporting facts. None of whom are accountable for their views.

Mills would be shocked by the growth of the blind excuses of Racism, of mindless Political Correctness and the sad death of common sense. Citizens are sent to the PC sin bin for expounding their own opinions in a democracy which once believed in Freedom of Speech.

Sir Winston Churchill once said: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others!".

What is the solution to allow society to be adequately governed ? For our Nation to develop and prosper in a Society that cares more for the disadvantaged rather than for the cult of apparent self advantage. 

It's time for both the elected politicians and the electorate to intellectually and ethically grow up! There is a world out there beyond your mobile 'phone screen!

Wherefore art thou Democracy?

Saturday, January 6, 2018



The traffic slows on Freeways, when there is an observable Police presence in traffic. Either the very colourful new Police Cars or even Highway Patrol motorbikes.

It appears motorists suffer from A.I.D.S. - Alcohol, Inattention, Drugs and Speeding. But we all suffer from the outcome of their couldn't give a damn thoughtless attitudes.

It's unbelievable, that we are surrounded by boofheads inanely tweeting to others who don't give a damn either. What a sorry society we have become.

Obviously we need Police sited with Radar devices to catch the speed hogs, but hiding behind trees isn't working enough to stop the carnage!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I was irritated and saddened by the historical and personality inaccuracies in the movie "Churchill". It misses the point of his character at the time completely. The script makes him out to be the equivalent of a nervous old maiden aunt, who has just dropped a stitch, rather than the bulldog, who had guided and inspired the British nation through nearly 5 years of total war with determination and courage. 

Clearly the writer is too young to have experienced what Britain went through and has no understanding of the colossal pressure and sense of terror placed on the nation and its citizens by the military might of Nazi Germany. It seems that the scriptwriter's personal feelings and environment have over ridden historical fact. Accurate research would have been useful.

The actor Brian Cox did a fine job but didn't have much to work with. 

We all have character flaws and some great men have even greater flaws than most, but, that ought not be the story. It is supposed to be about the buildup to one of the greatest logistical and most dangerous events in military and human history. Certainly Churchill was fretful about the potential loss of life as were all the military commanders, but in June 1944 he did not shrink from his duty to the nation. To focus on his natural concern, disgraces his memory.

The US wanted initially to invade Europe in 1942, to have done so would have been tragic, the allies were not ready and it would have been foolhardy and would have led to defeat. The British military chiefs had the battle experience, the American chiefs yet to acquire it. Thankfully, the Americans had the industrial might and manpower.

The writer has compressed nearly 4 years of wartime hassles between the Allied Military and Politicians and woven that with Churchill's "black dog" lifetime depression into 4 days prior to D Day. For the script to focus on the tragedy of Gallipoli in 1915 is spiteful. This rendition is full of contradictions and anyone who has lived through the period or studied the many books surrounding the Allied World War 11 effort from 1942 through to 1945 and anyone who was at Eisenhower's Supreme Headquarter's that June would be mortified by this movie.

It's true that he wanted to sail to France on a cruiser at the outset of the adventure, but King George V1 wisely over ruled Churchill's impetuosity. Hardly the action of a nervous and reluctant man. However, both of them did visit Gen. Montgomery's battlefield HQ in Normandy on the 11th June.

Rewriting history by those who are fortunate enough to benefit from the sacrifices of the combatants, citizens and leaders, seems to be a growing trend. They should visit any London Eastenders who suffered under the Blitz, or talk with WW11 Veterans still living and get their views. They were there. Churchill was not a bumbling old wreck at age 70, weary yes, but still forceful and an inspiration to his nation. He led his political party until he was 80!

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Do Australians want a foreign government, any foreign government to control the Electricity Grid?

I don't. I think the Federal Treasurer made the correct long run decision. 

Mike Baird has been doing very well for NSW, but I'm disappointed he and his treasurer are so desperate for cash that they will flog off our electricity assets to the highest bidder, any bidder.

Look into the future you politicians, beyond your limited electoral timeline. 

In a time of National future security do you want a foreign power (pun intended) to switch us off.

Selling off access to major Utilities to foreigners, is not the way to progress our State and Nation.

The wimpy media, reaching for short term headlines, wants to call this rejection anything but what it really is. It's called business. You win some you lose some! But not our national security at any price.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


This is a wake-up call to the arrogance of the Media!

What business is it of Leigh Sales, the ABC or anybody else - how Scott Morrison or any other citizen intends to vote on the issue of Gay Marriage before, during or after any proposed plebiscite or Parliamentary vote or any vote?

The media is coaching ordinary Australians, particularly swinging voters on puerile voyeurism. 

Hey, hey you media nit pickers, Freedom of Speech also implies Freedom of Thought!

Why don't you pursue something far more important than peeking under bedsheets? For example, what about the infringement of the rights of Volunteer Firemen in Victoria? The Union Movement and the Victorian Labor movement are on the cusp of destroying the truly great Australian benevolent and altruistic habit of volunteerism. We lead the world, remember the 2000 Olympics?

Back off and do something important for a change of pace! There is a world beyond your navel.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Australians are losing their sense of humour! The PC crowd are in the ascendency. We now have a storm in a handbag! Even so called metro males have handbags these days.

Look up the dictionary for an explanation of the word "quip".

Duncan Gay, whilst being harassed by the Opposition delivered a throw away line. Now all the limp wrists are in a whirlpool making much ado about little or nothing. The media are whipping up a Shakespearian storm. Plueeze!

Once we believed in a "fair go", now we have developed tiny social media personas. Get over it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Since when is the Economy in Deflation after 1 month's drop in the Inflation rate? Hello, hello, are there any Economists out there?

Currently, this is Disinflation. Stop the panic!

There is good news in this reversal. Because of the drop in Petrol prices, motorists have more money to spend on other consumer goods. Fruit prices are down, as are clothing prices. Since when has this been bad news. The drop in the exchange rate is good news for Exporters. Our exports are therefore cheaper for international buyers.

As usual, the downside the Media is promoting is purely negative speculation and is damaging of itself to the Economy, because to the majority of consumers, who have less training in Economics than the Media - this is an apparent tragedy. Bulldust!

Now the Media is standing in for the Reserve Bank and is promoting a rate decrease. Is this because many of those employees of the media, may have overblown mortgages? Dropping Interest Rates any further - will only encourage more consumers to buy more houses they will not be able to afford, when interest rates increase.

As far as I can determine, this reduction in Inflation, which is already low, has given the consumer more spending money. How bloody tragic. It's how they spend or don't spend, this non-wage increase, which will set the stage.