
Thursday, September 3, 2015


Well may Rupert call for a "Snap Election", but who elected the Media? But who would it favour?

Could you imagine running a corporation with a resentful and disruptive management committee? Wouldn't happen, right? because the malcontents would be booted out. How difficult must it be, to be a Prime Minister, when the cross bench nobodies with tiny voting representation and a hostile Senate, muddy the waters aided and abetted by a hyper critical self centred media minus any notion of the national interest. To hell with that, we are here to stir the pot!

Is there anybody out there, who remembers when the print and electronic media reported the news rather than creating it? We now have "journalist experts" who probably have not even run a tuck shop, who don't report, but, who pontificate and speculate on their interpretation of what ought to be, not what is.

Well, I remember when professional current and international affairs journalists reported the political events of the day, without exposing their own political leanings. Not any more, many are curmudgeonly exposing their disdain for the electorate for not listening to their advice by voting in the wrong political party.

It appears that Australia is no longer a democracy, but a minocracy, where the stirrers paddle the cauldron and unfortunately our elected politicians show little leadership in pursuing their goals and to hell with the media. Who really believes Polls announced every other day. What a waste! It's irrelevant mischievious twaddle so far out from an election. Who remembers last week's poll?

Clearly Mr.Murdoch is a punter. But he wouldn't put up with such treachery in his corporations.

Hello media, you don't represent or report main line Australia. Get real, examine your own house and report facts not fantasy.

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