
Monday, October 26, 2015


Is this Australia or downtown Mecca?

When was it when a Hindu, or a Buddhist or a Jew or an aethiest walked out on the Australian Anthem?

This was in a primary school. It appears that this is a religious issue of an Islamic sect.  The Victorian school teachers supported the walkout. The parents and teachers of this minority group should have planned for this element and excluded the kids from the segment in advance -  if it so offends the alleged sensibilities of this sect. However, the majority of Australians are also offended.

Now the apologists are clamouring to provide excuses.

Is this the thin edge of the wedge by stealth? Is the tail wagging the dog? Are we now a minocracy, rather than a democracy. Be careful Australia, tolerance does not mean turning your back on important issues which diminish our hard won culture.

Tolerance is a two way street - as is respect. No one is simply entitled to respect. It must be earned by the recipient.

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