
Thursday, August 11, 2016


Do Australians want a foreign government, any foreign government to control the Electricity Grid?

I don't. I think the Federal Treasurer made the correct long run decision. 

Mike Baird has been doing very well for NSW, but I'm disappointed he and his treasurer are so desperate for cash that they will flog off our electricity assets to the highest bidder, any bidder.

Look into the future you politicians, beyond your limited electoral timeline. 

In a time of National future security do you want a foreign power (pun intended) to switch us off.

Selling off access to major Utilities to foreigners, is not the way to progress our State and Nation.

The wimpy media, reaching for short term headlines, wants to call this rejection anything but what it really is. It's called business. You win some you lose some! But not our national security at any price.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


This is a wake-up call to the arrogance of the Media!

What business is it of Leigh Sales, the ABC or anybody else - how Scott Morrison or any other citizen intends to vote on the issue of Gay Marriage before, during or after any proposed plebiscite or Parliamentary vote or any vote?

The media is coaching ordinary Australians, particularly swinging voters on puerile voyeurism. 

Hey, hey you media nit pickers, Freedom of Speech also implies Freedom of Thought!

Why don't you pursue something far more important than peeking under bedsheets? For example, what about the infringement of the rights of Volunteer Firemen in Victoria? The Union Movement and the Victorian Labor movement are on the cusp of destroying the truly great Australian benevolent and altruistic habit of volunteerism. We lead the world, remember the 2000 Olympics?

Back off and do something important for a change of pace! There is a world beyond your navel.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Australians are losing their sense of humour! The PC crowd are in the ascendency. We now have a storm in a handbag! Even so called metro males have handbags these days.

Look up the dictionary for an explanation of the word "quip".

Duncan Gay, whilst being harassed by the Opposition delivered a throw away line. Now all the limp wrists are in a whirlpool making much ado about little or nothing. The media are whipping up a Shakespearian storm. Plueeze!

Once we believed in a "fair go", now we have developed tiny social media personas. Get over it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Since when is the Economy in Deflation after 1 month's drop in the Inflation rate? Hello, hello, are there any Economists out there?

Currently, this is Disinflation. Stop the panic!

There is good news in this reversal. Because of the drop in Petrol prices, motorists have more money to spend on other consumer goods. Fruit prices are down, as are clothing prices. Since when has this been bad news. The drop in the exchange rate is good news for Exporters. Our exports are therefore cheaper for international buyers.

As usual, the downside the Media is promoting is purely negative speculation and is damaging of itself to the Economy, because to the majority of consumers, who have less training in Economics than the Media - this is an apparent tragedy. Bulldust!

Now the Media is standing in for the Reserve Bank and is promoting a rate decrease. Is this because many of those employees of the media, may have overblown mortgages? Dropping Interest Rates any further - will only encourage more consumers to buy more houses they will not be able to afford, when interest rates increase.

As far as I can determine, this reduction in Inflation, which is already low, has given the consumer more spending money. How bloody tragic. It's how they spend or don't spend, this non-wage increase, which will set the stage.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


More than likely you will NOT be voting for a prospective Prime Minister, unless you are an eligible voter resident in the electorate of Wentworth, NSW, (Malcolm Turnbull), or in Maribyrnong, Victoria (Bill Shorten).

On Federal election day, you should be voting for the Party of your choice. If it's the Libs. who win, then the Coalition Parliamentary Party chooses their leader and if Labour gets in, then it's the Caucas, which elects their leader. The Minor parties are similar.

The Pollies and the Polls and the ever interfering blathering Media will not correct this silly presumption. The majority of us do not elect a Prime Minister.

The process is simple really, on election day, vote for the person in your electorate, who represents the party of your choice. Then due process will take over. If you don't vote, don't whinge.

Sunday, April 3, 2016



Many journalists blinded by their inbred distaste for the Liberals and the Prime Minister, have missed the point in the Taxation offer to the States.

The PM has blindsided the Premiers with his offer. They must now justify their requests for cash, instead of bringing their collective begging bowls with quibbling to the handout table. Unrealistically blaming the Federal Government for their own bad management.

The Premiers were smart enough however, to understand that earning enough Income to balance their Expenditure is bloody hard work and anyway, would need legislation under the Constitution to grant the States Income taxing powers.

Legislative changes notwithstanding, The reduction in duplication of bureaucracy alone would save the Commonwealth a great amount of unnecessary expenditure. Why we need a Commonwealth Dept. of Health and Dept. of Education etc. etc., when the States have the same - is horribly inefficient?

Which begs the question, why in the 21st Century, do we need State governments?

The Police have to arrange extradition papers to move a culprit from one State to another. Utter nonsense! This is the Federation of Australia, not individual European countries. How time consuming and wasteful and inefficient and unnecessary.

This style of thinking produced 3 different Railway gauges at the time of Federation, which was hopelessly ineffieient. Clearly no broad National thinking was allowed under States' Rights log jams, then or now.

When will Australia grow up?