
Tuesday, June 28, 2016


This is a wake-up call to the arrogance of the Media!

What business is it of Leigh Sales, the ABC or anybody else - how Scott Morrison or any other citizen intends to vote on the issue of Gay Marriage before, during or after any proposed plebiscite or Parliamentary vote or any vote?

The media is coaching ordinary Australians, particularly swinging voters on puerile voyeurism. 

Hey, hey you media nit pickers, Freedom of Speech also implies Freedom of Thought!

Why don't you pursue something far more important than peeking under bedsheets? For example, what about the infringement of the rights of Volunteer Firemen in Victoria? The Union Movement and the Victorian Labor movement are on the cusp of destroying the truly great Australian benevolent and altruistic habit of volunteerism. We lead the world, remember the 2000 Olympics?

Back off and do something important for a change of pace! There is a world beyond your navel.

1 comment:

David Livingstone said...

I couldn't disagree more strongly.

Firstly, insofar as your comments apply to an elected member of parliament, and a cabinet member at that, it is a perfectly legitimate question to ask how he intends to vote on a topic of considerable interest to many (if not most) electors. This is especially pertinent given the stated position of his political party to the topic. His obfuscation indicates a total lack of honesty and integrity - he’s simply avoiding stating his position to limit the probable damage to his party’s chances by telling the simple truth.

Secondly, on a more general note, as opposed to the specific election-related issue, I draw on the then chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems who said (Monday , 25th January, 1999) that consumer privacy issues are a "red herring."
"You have zero privacy anyway," Scott McNealy told a group of reporters and analysts at an event to launch his company's new Jini technology.
"Get over it."

In the good old days when the village wasn’t “global”, the whole village knew who was doing what and to whom. There wasn’t privacy then, and there certainly isn’t now, unless you choose to remove yourself entirely from society and live completely “off the grid”, and possibly not even then.

There are others more deserving of sympathy & understanding that the hard-done-by Scott Morrison, but go for it - I’m sure Fred Nile would agree - as I just heard on my answering machine as I write this.