
Tuesday, June 28, 2016


This is a wake-up call to the arrogance of the Media!

What business is it of Leigh Sales, the ABC or anybody else - how Scott Morrison or any other citizen intends to vote on the issue of Gay Marriage before, during or after any proposed plebiscite or Parliamentary vote or any vote?

The media is coaching ordinary Australians, particularly swinging voters on puerile voyeurism. 

Hey, hey you media nit pickers, Freedom of Speech also implies Freedom of Thought!

Why don't you pursue something far more important than peeking under bedsheets? For example, what about the infringement of the rights of Volunteer Firemen in Victoria? The Union Movement and the Victorian Labor movement are on the cusp of destroying the truly great Australian benevolent and altruistic habit of volunteerism. We lead the world, remember the 2000 Olympics?

Back off and do something important for a change of pace! There is a world beyond your navel.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Australians are losing their sense of humour! The PC crowd are in the ascendency. We now have a storm in a handbag! Even so called metro males have handbags these days.

Look up the dictionary for an explanation of the word "quip".

Duncan Gay, whilst being harassed by the Opposition delivered a throw away line. Now all the limp wrists are in a whirlpool making much ado about little or nothing. The media are whipping up a Shakespearian storm. Plueeze!

Once we believed in a "fair go", now we have developed tiny social media personas. Get over it!