
Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I thought the tear jerking statement by Kevin Rudd, that the "People elected me PM!" would end there. However, Tony Abbott has made the same self centred statement during the current "Spill" media enticed kerfuffle.

Even the most politically illiterate voter should know, that the only people who voted for either Rudd or Abbott were the voters in their respective electorates. The decision does not rest with the Electorate. May the Force be without either of them!

Under Labour, the Caucus elects the PM and for the Coalition, it's the elected members of the Liberal/National Parliamentary Party in the new and/or current Federal Parliament that elects the Prime Minister.

No one corrects this silly statement. It appears that "Joe Blow Voter" out there believes this nonsense. It's time for a get real statement before the next election.

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