
Saturday, November 28, 2015


Have you noticed the tiny pair of legs scuttling along under the huge school backpacks?

Some tiny primary school kids are often smothered by these ridiculously oversized bags. Even older kids, even teenagers, are overburdened.

In an age of Digitation, being led by the iPad and other products, why is it still necessary for kids to daily carry such a packhorse load?

Why doesn't the Teaching profession show some social conscience by being in the forefront to minimise this absurd modern load? Who knows what potential back and hip injuries await these kids as they mature?

If you are an urban train traveller, you are then faced with a obstacle course to gain access to an electric train. The kids are only too happy and uncomfortable to get rid of their burden, by dumping these gross bags at the entrance to the train - causing access and egress problems and possible injury for the adult travelling public.

It isn't just in Australia but also in the USA see this article in TIME magazine:

Enough! Parents, Grandparents, School Teachers, Education Departments get off your collective backsides and reform this hideous and potentially disfiguring practice.

Friday, November 13, 2015


The TV has a new anti-government hobby. Bashing the proposed GST increase. Blathering on about how the possible 15% is going to affect we poor simplistic consumers. Of course completely ignoring the reality that the Nation has a debt problem caused by excess prior governmental expenditure.

Who gives a stuff about the Nation? certainly not the infants writing the TV broadcasters' news scripts.

Hello, hello. Fifteen years ago the GST was introduced with accompanying tales of woe from the mainstream media. Well it has been a success and here is where a lesson in reality and history kicks in.

Prior to 1 July 2000, we were paying Sales Tax. Do you recall that Jewellery, TV's, Hi Fi Systems and Cameras paid 33% Sales Tax. How does that compare with a possible 15%? How's your maths? There were 2 other rates. 20% and 10%. If you are interested,  do your own research. As far as the MS Media is concerned, history commences tonight at 6.00PM on TV. Most is forgotten soonest after!

Do you know how to reduce the impact of a GST increase? Spend on essentials and stuff you really need and reduce or stop spending on stuff you only want. There is a difference.

Also what is forgotten is that the Federal Government distributes the whole of the GST Revenue to the States. In 2000 the deal was to be - that in consideration for the States to receive the whole of the GST in proportion, the States had to discontinue taxes like, Stamp Duty, Payroll Tax etc. Guess what? The Feds kept their side of the bargain, but the States did not!

Monday, October 26, 2015


Is this Australia or downtown Mecca?

When was it when a Hindu, or a Buddhist or a Jew or an aethiest walked out on the Australian Anthem?

This was in a primary school. It appears that this is a religious issue of an Islamic sect.  The Victorian school teachers supported the walkout. The parents and teachers of this minority group should have planned for this element and excluded the kids from the segment in advance -  if it so offends the alleged sensibilities of this sect. However, the majority of Australians are also offended.

Now the apologists are clamouring to provide excuses.

Is this the thin edge of the wedge by stealth? Is the tail wagging the dog? Are we now a minocracy, rather than a democracy. Be careful Australia, tolerance does not mean turning your back on important issues which diminish our hard won culture.

Tolerance is a two way street - as is respect. No one is simply entitled to respect. It must be earned by the recipient.

Monday, September 21, 2015


ENOUGH! An Australian newspaper has called Malcom Turnbull a "rich dude".

How bloody infantile! "It's Time" for this jealousy to disappear from our national psyche.

Australians get over this envy of success! Who do you want to run the country? A hermit? A beach bum?

The media goes on about any PM catching the allotted RAAF jet to get around our large and ancient landmass. They must want him to catch a bus. Sit down the back PM.

Give the bloke a go. Envy is for the short sighted and those who haven't got what it takes to achieve. Australians are supposed to be a positive people. Give the flick to the petty critics.

The current polls show that the electorate approves at this early stage, so the critics have missed the bus.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


The nation is dumbfounded and concerned and appalled by the growth of Domestic Violence and worse still that there have been 62 deaths this year.

The reasons are multifaceted as are the possible preventative actions. However, there is one over riding first cause - loss of self control.

As with binge drinking, this appears to be a disappearing male personality trait.

Take pride in your life. Self respect is a good start.

Men, if you cannot control yourself then you need help. It 's called self help. First you have to respect yourself and others and get a grip on your boozing and emotions. Control yourself, it isn't easy for many, who may need ongoing professional help, but it starts with you.

It is not manly, it's cowardly, to bash a woman, whatever the provocation. Grow up!  Tantrums are for 3 year olds.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Well may Rupert call for a "Snap Election", but who elected the Media? But who would it favour?

Could you imagine running a corporation with a resentful and disruptive management committee? Wouldn't happen, right? because the malcontents would be booted out. How difficult must it be, to be a Prime Minister, when the cross bench nobodies with tiny voting representation and a hostile Senate, muddy the waters aided and abetted by a hyper critical self centred media minus any notion of the national interest. To hell with that, we are here to stir the pot!

Is there anybody out there, who remembers when the print and electronic media reported the news rather than creating it? We now have "journalist experts" who probably have not even run a tuck shop, who don't report, but, who pontificate and speculate on their interpretation of what ought to be, not what is.

Well, I remember when professional current and international affairs journalists reported the political events of the day, without exposing their own political leanings. Not any more, many are curmudgeonly exposing their disdain for the electorate for not listening to their advice by voting in the wrong political party.

It appears that Australia is no longer a democracy, but a minocracy, where the stirrers paddle the cauldron and unfortunately our elected politicians show little leadership in pursuing their goals and to hell with the media. Who really believes Polls announced every other day. What a waste! It's irrelevant mischievious twaddle so far out from an election. Who remembers last week's poll?

Clearly Mr.Murdoch is a punter. But he wouldn't put up with such treachery in his corporations.

Hello media, you don't represent or report main line Australia. Get real, examine your own house and report facts not fantasy.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Who else out there in the real world has had enough of the Free To Air TV excessive propaganda for their excruciating reality shows? MKR and the Block.

Is there anyone out there, who doesn't cook or build or put a sledge hammer through brick walls, or sledge their work mates? Anyone for watching grass growing? It's called entertainment, ho, ho, the great unwashed must live bloody boring lives to enjoy this force-fed voyeuristic tripe!

The audience is blasted with an overpowering volume of TV selfie advertisements and repeats and sneek peeks. Over and over, to the extent that all you want to do is switch off and make a run for it!  Don't these TV marketers understand that we can only take so much. I gave up repetition in Kindergarten - what about you?

Did you know that MKR is a cooking show? However, the focus is on eliminations, backbiting, spite, Oh and you guessed it - cooking. I hope that the young people watching, don't think that's how to behave, when they get a job in the real world.

The Block, get real! What the audience doesn't see, is a big team of tradies, working around the clock, who do the physical work and use their considerable expertise - whilst the contestants prance around, blubbering and being rude and aggressive. Entertainment, bah!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I thought the tear jerking statement by Kevin Rudd, that the "People elected me PM!" would end there. However, Tony Abbott has made the same self centred statement during the current "Spill" media enticed kerfuffle.

Even the most politically illiterate voter should know, that the only people who voted for either Rudd or Abbott were the voters in their respective electorates. The decision does not rest with the Electorate. May the Force be without either of them!

Under Labour, the Caucus elects the PM and for the Coalition, it's the elected members of the Liberal/National Parliamentary Party in the new and/or current Federal Parliament that elects the Prime Minister.

No one corrects this silly statement. It appears that "Joe Blow Voter" out there believes this nonsense. It's time for a get real statement before the next election.